May Borg 1936 – 2015.

My mother passed away Saturday morning, September 26th, 2015. She had been in a hospice for the past two weeks, suffering from a blood disorder.

Still trying to process the events over the past two weeks. In the meantime, here’s a sketch I did of her two years ago. Another is a photo of me with my mother when I was a toddler.

After dinner I did a quick sketch of my mother. Photo from when she was either in her late teens or early twenties.
A quick sketch of my mother, done two years ago. Photo from when she was either in her late teens or early twenties.
Me and my mother during my toddler years.
Me and my mother during my toddler years.

Our Family by Victor Pemberton

Usually I do not re-blog someone else’s post. The exception is that yesterday morning, my own mother passed away.

This blog, posted by Ben Herman, is in tribute to my mother.
My own thoughts will be posted later.

In My Not So Humble Opinion

My girlfriend Michele’s mother passed away yesterday morning. This post is being written in her memory.

May Alley was born in Liverpool, England in the 1930s. As a young girl she lived through the horrors of World War II, as the Nazis inflicted their terrifying Blitz upon Great Britain. Following the War the UK experienced a severe economic depression, and May came to the United States in the 1960s to look for work.  Living in New York City she married and eventually gave birth to Michele.

Michele and I have been a couple for over eight years now. I was fortunate enough to meet May on a number of occasions during this time. She was a very sweet woman.

I was often reminded of May when I read the historical novels of London-born author Victor Pemberton.  I initially knew of Pemberton from his work as a writer and script editor on Doctor Who in the…

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Steampunk Cthulhu Commission

Here’s a commission done recently. A Steampunk Cthulhu commission.

Steampunk Cthulhu illustrated by Michele Witchipoo, 2015. Ink, brush, ink wash, watercolor on illustration board.
Steampunk Cthulhu illustrated by Michele Witchipoo, 2015. Ink, brush, ink wash, watercolor on illustration board.

Mediums: ink, ink wash, brush, watercolor on illustration board.

After this month, I’m taking on new commissions. Email me for prices and details if interested.

If there’s enough demand, I might make prints from this piece, to be on Etsy of course.