Forthcoming – New Mini-Comic

Will be releasing a new mini-comic very soon, on WitchesBrewPress. Okay, that’s my own ‘imprint.’ This mini-comic, featuring Squeaky Squeakums will be in print and available at the next comic con. Ordering information will be posted when the comic is available.


Happy Halloween – The Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week

Today is Halloween. Otherwise known as Samhain. The time where the veil between the living and those who have passed have grown thin. Then you wear costumes dancing at Goth clubs while eating too much candy.

My favorite holiday.

Psycho Bunny takes part of the Halloween action too! Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week.

Psycho Bunny does Halloween 2018. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. Oct. 2018.

Good news. I have a spanking new completed mini-comic. It just needs to go to the press. Will keep everyone updated.

Social Media – Scary Isn’t It?

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.

Get yourself some cool stuff on RedBubble, featuring my designs.

See everyone in November.



Inktober 2018 # 30 – Jolt

This may or may not be the last Inktober 2018 sketch from me. It was going well at first, but then I decided to work on a new mini-comic. So technically I did draw everyday for the month of October 2018. It just wasn’t Inktober related. It happens.

For the Inktober prompt # 30, which was jolt, this was my sketch. Jolt, as in Jolt cola.

Anyone remember Jolt cola from the ’90s? I remember a rumor that early ’90s ravers used to gulp this down after doing a hit of acid or ecstasy to get a bigger rush. It was marketed as “All the sugar, twice the caffeine!” It doesn’t sound very healthy in 2018.

I had Jolt cola a few times back in the early ’90s. It didn’t taste bad. Didn’t matter, I’m not a soda person. Never cared for soda. Most soda flavors taste disgusting to me. Never understood the appeal. Except for Jolt cola, or Faygo, but for different reasons. Faygo is just kinda trashy. Both soda brands were sold at Dollar General last year.

Jolt cola. Inktober 2018 sketch prompt # 30 – Jolt. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Oct. 2018. 

Inktober 2018 # 12 – Whale

As of this post, today is the last day of Inktober 2018. If I do another Inktober sketch, it’ll be posted tomorrow. Technically, I did draw everyday in the month of October. Not everything was Inktober related. It’s okay. As they say, there’s always next year.

Forgot about Inktober 2018 prompt # 12 – whale. So I included the first two that popped into my mind. Fudgie The Whale, that Carvel ice cream cake, and a narwhal.

I had a friend who loved narwhals. Even did a narwhal art postcard for her. We fell out when I didn’t want to take part of a collaboration. It was a silly joke band called The Conscientious Gasbags. Outsider music with twisted lyrics. The lyrics were good. I had some of the equipment. Imagine if Big Black meets Shonen Knife. That’s what we were aiming for. Last year scheduling was tight. I had just moved out of a ten year residence, completing school, working, and working on my art. Wasn’t even time to do my Psycho Bunny sketch of the week. I had no extra time to spare. Something had to give, and it was the band. So I informed her of my decision.

She didn’t take the news very well.

When I broke the news to her in a diplomatic manner, this is what she said:

“Don’t ever speak to me again. Do not contact me in any way, shape, or form.”

So seven years of friendship meant nothing to her. It hurt. On top of that, she even managed to turn another ‘friend’ against me. This was all because I didn’t want to do that project with her. So I went ahead, deleting anything on social media that I set up relating to the band. It was really extreme on her part, but if I was going to be treated like public enemy number one, so be it. It wasn’t the first time a former friend turned against me. It still hurt. It was also very unnecessary.

Six months later, I found out on Facebook she had died.

I didn’t gloat in her passing. Instead, the whole thing was just sad. I mourned silently. In her honor, I went to Sweet Jane’s. It’s a neighborhood bar that I had taken her to when she visited me in NYC. She loved that place. So as I was toasting to her life, I was with another good friend. My friend was comforting me, telling me that Julie’s spirit was here and Julie forgave me. Afterwards we proceeded to get a little too drunk. Oops.

Still have Julie’s book of poetry, the skull jewelry boxes she gave me, and assorted accessories. Most of all, I still have the memories. Will leave it at that.

With death comes forgiveness.

Geez. Didn’t mean to turn this Inktober entry into a candid post, but hey.

Anyway. Back to the Inktober sketch. Along with the grumpy narwhal is Fudgie The Whale. Fugdie is an iconic character from Carvel’s line of ice cream cakes. My mother, who also passed away in 2015, used to get me an annual ice cream cake for my birthday during my childhood. It was very late ’70s/early ’80s thing to do while growing up in the outer boroughs of NYC. The Beastie Boys’ debut single was a tune called Cookie Puss.

The sketch itself. Not one of my best. Kinda looks like a rush job, which is kinda sorta was. The story behind this goes as this. It’s the narwhal’s birthday. While other narwhals are happy, this one is a cantankerous sort of creature. Worse of all, this grumpy narwhal is miffed that his birthday cake happens to be Fudgie The Whale. Thus Inktober 2018 prompt 12, whale.

Inktober 2018 prompt # 12: whale. Narwhal doesn’t like Fudgie The Whale. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Oct. 2018.

One or two more Inktober 2018 to follow.

Inktober 2018 # 14 – Clocks

Looks like I’m not going to make the entire Inktober 2018 challenge.  I was trying to finish up my latest comic, plus life got in the way. It happens. Something came out of these Inktober sketches. My cat Squeaky, became my muse. So I put Psycho Bunny aside and did a brand new story based on her. The idea came organically thanks to these Inktober prompts, in which Squeaky became my art model .

The new comic was supposed to debut at IncrediCon, which happened this past Sunday. The artwork itself is completed. It’ll be ready for the next comic con.

Anyway. Here’s Squeaky doing her usual thing. Demanding food as the clock is ticking. After all, Squeaky must eat! Here’s Inktober sketch number 14, prompt ‘clocks.’ The latest Psycho Bunny sketch of the week will be posted very soon.

Inktober 2018, prompt # 14: Clocks. Squeaky Squeakums demanding her food. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo Oct. 2018.

Tomorrow – Incredicon

I’m half asleep while typing, but wanted to send a quick reminder for tomorrow.


If you’re in the Upstate NY area, come check out this comic con. If all goes well, I’ll have a new mini-issue debuting tomorrow. We’ll see. So buy my comic you bastards! Anyway, admission is free. See you tomorrow.



For ten days Durga Puja is celebrated. In honor of Durga, here’s an illustration. Pen, ink, glitter watercolor. Here’s a scan of the basic pen work before color:

Durga illustration, pen and ink before adding color. Illustration by Michele Witchipoo, Oct. 2018. 

Here’s the color version, after the watercolors have been added. Again, the scan doesn’t pick up on the shimmer very well. It’s best to see this piece in person. Maybe later on I’ll do some prints and/or greeting cards of Durga, along with Ganesh.

Durga illustration after adding watercolor. Done by Michele Witchipoo, Oct. 2018. 

Pumpkin Patch – Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 10/22/2018

Seems like the fall season has finally arrived. With that brings anything pumpkin flavored. Of course, Psycho Bunny seems to have found himself in a pumpkin patch. Is he waiting for the ‘Great Pumpkin’? Good grief!

Psycho Bunny in a pumpkin patch. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. Oct. 2018.

As mentioned, I will be at the Incredicon event Sun. Oct. 28th in Poughkeepsie, Upstate New York.


Social Media:

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.

Get yourself some cool stuff on RedBubble, featuring my designs.

Will I be able to finish the rest of the Inktober 2018 sketches? Stay tuned and find out. 

Inktober # 9 – Squeaky Being Precious!

Squeaky Squeakums, my female tuxedo cat has become my Inktober muse. Despite her quirky habit of stealing my art pens.

It must be some kind of hunting instinct. Many times she’s proudly meow as she carries one of my drawing pens in her mouth. Then as she claims herself victorious, she drops the pen on the floor. She’s also hid my pens inside slippers. It’s both annoying and cute. Annoying because it’s usually one of my good pens she swipes. Cute because I haven’t seen any other cat do this, and besides. Who can get mad at that face?

Continuing with the theme of Inktober 2018 prompts six, seven and eight is prompt number nine – precious. As always, Squeaky Squeakums is being precious. Even while she’s hording my precious art pens.

Inktober 2018 prompt # 9 – precious. Featuring Squeaky Squeakums. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Oct. 2018.

BTW – happy Caturday.

Inktober 2018 # 8 – Squeaky’s A Star!

Way behind in my Inktober sketches. Yet I might’ve found a muse with my tuxedo cat Squeaky Squeakums. This bi-color female has already been the subject of Inktober 2019 prompts number six and seven. Squeaky is the star yet again with Inktober 2018 prompt number eight – star.

Inktober 2018 prompt number eight – star. Starring non other than Squeaky Squeakums. Sketch by Michele Witchipoo. Pen, ink, marker. Oct. 2018. 

Stay tuned to see if I can pump out more Inktober work.