Webcomic Debut – Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 5/26/2020

You might have noticed that there hasn’t been a Psycho Bunny sketch of the week, or a Caturday pinup lately. That’s because I’ve been busy working on a brand new webcomic. The first episode is up right now on WEBTOONS. The second installment should be up sometime next week. It’ll be part of a summer mini-series, titled Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19It’s free, so check it out and give me some love. 

Which leads to the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for May 26, 2020.

Psycho Bunny now has his own webcomic! You can read about his experiences with the Covid19 pandemic on WEBTOONS. Written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. May 2020.

If you haven’t heard,  I’ve re-opened my Etsy store: Michele Witchipoo. You can purchase some of my comics there. There’s also handmade holiday ornaments, greeting cards, and eventually other items for sale. Check back every so often, the store will continue to have more merch posted.


I’ve also officially launched my Patreon account. Still learning the in and outs of Patreon fund raising. You can subscribe starting at $5.00 a month.



 Facebook: Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Also. I’m available for commissions. Comics and greetings are available for purchase. No shame in this plug. Especially with the financial impact. Questions? Hit me up: Witchipoo@witchesbrewpress.net. You can also contact me via Instagram, @WitchipooArt

Be safe everyone.


Tomorrow – Interview W/ Mark Torres (It Came From The Radio)

Tomorrow night, Wednesday May 20th, 2020 from 7-8 pm ET on WHCSradio.org, I’ll have returning guest Mark Torres. Mark hosts his own radio show titled It Came From The Radio. ICFTR promotes indie comic creators, film makers, and writers while also covering the latest in sci-fi, horror and comic book entertainment. Mark is also working on his own comic. We had a blast last time I interviewed him, so he’s coming back. Mark’s show was recorded in the studio at Grindhouse Radio. Grindhouse Radio, otherwise known as GHR is known for being an internationally syndicated, award winning, pop culture talk radio series, featured on iHeartRadio and 19 other syndicated networks with between 3.5 – 4 million listeners weekly worldwide. ICFTR can also be heard from Beyond The Dawn studios.


After this episode, the season will wrap up. There might be a summer season in the works, if I’m not too busy working on my own projects. On my end I’m working on completing a webcomic, to be posted soon.

In the meantime, check out my show, streaming live on WHCSradio.org tomorrow, May 20th, 2020, from 7-8 pm ET. The shows will be archived, in which you can listen to previous episodes on such platforms like iTunes Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, AnchorFM, and others.

Cleocatra – Caturday Sketch of The Week 5/16/2020

Since I was a child, I’ve always been fascinated by Egyptian mythology, history, etc. Earlier last week, I saw another illustrator do her take of Cleopatra. She titled hers ‘Cleocatra.’ Thought it was so cute, I decided to do my own version. Hand drawn, done in pen and ink.

Here’s the Caturday sketch of the week.

Cleocatra. Michele Witchipoo. Hand drawn, pen and ink. May 2020. 

Radar Love (Classic Arcade Games Revisited)

Think it was the year 1982 or 1983. Around the time when Culture Club first tried to crack into the U.S. market with their first album ‘Kissing To Be Clever.’ I discovered Boy George and the rest of the crew thanks to a quick mention in People Magazine. One look at the black and white photograph, and I was intrigued. The next time I went with my mother to the Alexander’s department store on E. 59th street, my curiosity lead to the record section on the top floor. I was the first kid on the block to own a Culture Club record, and immediately outcast by my Queens junior high peers. The label of ‘freak‘ was slapped upon me. Back in those days, Boy George’s gender bending look was an assault on the American mainstream.

My parents didn’t understand my newfound fascination with Boy George. The good news was, unlike other parents, my parents gave me enough freedom to explore different types of music, art, etc. That turned out to be my saving grace. I was an only child caught in a dysfunctional family. A misfit among my school mates. Wasn’t fond of my neighborhood. Worse of all, I really hated my hairstyle. For some godawful reason, my mother insisted of getting my hair cut in a certain way. That haircut was completely unflattering. It was through my Culture Club fandom that I first discovered how ignorant people can be. Oh, and by the time high school rolled around, I took total control of my own look. I adopted a Siouxsie hairstyle, joining the mid/late ’80s Post Punk crowd. Everyone on my block was horrified about my Goth look. I reviled in it.

In the middle of all this, my parents decided to take a week vacation deep in Upstate NY. We took the bus to Lake George, NY. I should’ve known the trip wasn’t going to be pleasant. Right before we left, my cat Tiger scratched the shit out of my father. My father, of course, thought he knew how to handle cats. No he did not. After Tiger sunk his claws into my father’s hand, chomp went the cat fangs. Dad ended up getting a nasty infection. Thus set the tone for the entire week.


In the midst of my father’s bad temper, and outcast status among tourists, I found refuge in a huge Upstate video arcade. It was the early ’80s after all. Games like Pac-Man, Tempest, Donkey Kong and so many others were at it’s peak. If there was one thing I was good at, it was video games. In-between I played some mean rounds of skeeball. I got so good at skeeball, there was enough tickets to fetch a prize. So while the vacation itself was miserable, these video games proved a worthy escape.

Fast forward to the year 2000. My ex-boyfriend decided to take me to see Ozzfest at Satatoga Springs. On the way back to NYC, we found ourselves in Lake George. Immediately I recognized the old arcade. It was still there. Walking inside, it was a time warp. It was a rare moment, where everything was exactly the way it was back in 1983.  I loved it. Even took a few photos. Walking through the rest of the main town, I discovered how pretty Lake George was. Gone was the annoying tourists. The entire area was empty. My second chance with Lake George was bliss.

It would be nice to visit Lake George a third time. Before doing this blog post, I did some quick research. Believe this might be the arcade in discussion, or it could be this one. Either way, I’m not too sure of the business name. It looks like there’s been some changes since my last visit in 2000. As of this post, the U.S. is in the middle of a pandemic. So it’ll be a long time before I’ll be going anywhere. Been stuck back in Queens, NY for a little over two months. It’s a good time as any to reminiscence.

In the meantime, enjoy this sketch done earlier this week. Hand drawn, pen, ink, and digitally colored.

Video game memories. Hand drawn, pen and ink. Digitally colored. Michele Witchipoo. May 2020.

Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 5/12/2020 – Mother’s Day Edition.

Mother’s Day already passed. Psycho Bunny tries to make amends, but alas. His mother is none too pleased. What do you expect from a dysfunctional family.

Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for May 12, 2020.

The Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for May 12th, 2020. Mother’s Day 2020 edition. Based on the comic book written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo. May 2020.

Other news. Unless it’s an online/virtual comic book convention, I won’t be partaking in any physical cons this year. The year 2020 has already been scratched off. It’s not worth the risk. Especially when information about COVID-19 changes daily.

This doesn’t mean I haven’t stopped creating. In response to any quarantines, I’ve re-opened my Etsy store: Michele Witchipoo. You can purchase some of my comics there. There’s also handmade holiday ornanments, greeting cards, and eventually other items for sale. Check back every so often, the store will continue to have more merch posted.


I’ve also officially launched my Patreon account. Still learning the in and outs of Patreon fund raising. You can subscribe starting at $5.00 a month.



 Facebook: Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Also. I’m available for commissions. Comics and greetings are available for purchase. No shame in this plug. Especially with the financial impact. Questions? Hit me up: Witchipoo@witchesbrewpress.net. You can also contact me via Instagram, @WitchipooArt

Be safe everyone.

This Week -Radio Show W/ Cartoonist Morgan Pielli


This Wednesday I’ll be interviewing cartoonist, illustrator, storyteller and voice over actor Morgan Pielli. You can listen to him live March 13th, 2020 from 7-8pm ET on WHCSradio.org, from my radio show Comic Book Convo W/ Michele.


You can also listen to past episodes on AnchorFM. Other platforms include iTunes Podcast, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic.

A Caturday of Love

Hope everyone is having a good Caturday. Squeaky Squeakums, and her demon buddy Magnus Maximus wish you a day full of love.

Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy Maximus. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. May 2020.

If you want to buy my comic, titled The Temptation of Squeaky, you can now purchase a copy from my new Etsy store. One item already sold out, one item already restocked, and new items will be added. Any sales will help me out during this pandemic.


Stay safe everyone.

Contribute To My Patreon

Like many other Americans, I lost my job when COVID-19 arrived. Quite bluntly, it sucks.

Until I can find another form of income, I’ve officially activated my Patreon account. You can contribute to my Patreon as little as five dollars a month ($5.00). For my Patreon subscribers, I will either mail out small sketches, a greeting card, or upload excusive content. Every bit helps. If you can’t afford to donate, you can always follow. Any type of support is greatly appreciated.


Link to my Patreon:

Next On Comic Book Convo W/ Michele – Boston Cartoonist Dan Mazur


Continuing the radio show Comic Book Convo W/ Michele, this week I’ll have on respected Boston cartoonist, and member of The Boston Comics RoundtableDan Mazur.


So tune in this Wednesday, and every Wednesday until further notice, from 7-8pm EST, on WHCSradio.org

. Also give the other DJs and show hosts your ear as well.

Caturday Beltane 2020

Even though most of the U.S. is in quarantine, we can still celebrate the arrival of Spring. In our own ways – or least try to. Yesterday was May Day, also known as Beltane.

Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy Magnus Maximus did a little Caturday dance around the maypole.

Squeaky Squeakums and Magnus Maximus dance around the maypole. Celebrating Beltane/Mayday, May 2020. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. May 2020.

If you liked what you saw, you can order my comic ‘The Temptation of Squeaky‘ through my reopened Etsy shop. Already sold out of a few items, but will restock soon. All proceeds will go towards paying my bills.

The Temptation of Squeaky. A comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. On sale now.

Etsy Store: MicheleWitchipoo

Although I never promoted my account, I’m on Patron. All donations would be greatly appreciated at this time. Check back because I plan to update my Patron account very soon.

 Become a Patron!