Good Grief!

Psycho Bunny channels Charlie Brown.

Psycho Bunny channels Charlie Brown. Based on the comic Psycho Bunny by Michele Witchipoo. June 2016. 

Once again, don’t forget to click ‘like’ on the Psycho Bunny Facebook page. You can also order any comics from WitchesBrewPress from the website. Also available for commissions.

Inkwell Awards 2016

It’s official. The 2016 Inkwell Award winners have been announced. The Inkwell Awards was founded by Bob Almond to promote and honor inkers in the comic book industry. This year’s winners was announced this past June 17th at the Heroes Con in North Carolina.


You can read the First Comics article about the 2016 Inkwell Awards here.

This year, I was also among the Silver trophy award winners for serving five years as a nomination committee member. It’s been an honor to have helped with the awards process.

Silver trophies from The Inkwell Awards for five years of nomination committee member service. 2016. 

Psycho Bunny & Weekends

Here’s a quick Psycho Bunny pic. As featured on the Psycho Bunny Comix Facebook page. Which you should ‘like’. Cause then you’ll get to see a new Psycho Bunny pic every Monday.

Here Psycho Bunny muses about weekends past.

Psycho Bunny talks about weekends past. Based on the comic by Michele Witchipoo. June 2016. 

Sky’s The Limit

Going to aim for a new Psycho Bunny pic every Monday. If you’re on Facebook you can check it out there.

Here’s Psycho Bunny pic of the week:

Psycho Bunny – is the sky the limit? Based on the comic by Michele Witchipoo. June 2016.

What Psycho Bunny Dreams About

What Psycho Bunny dreams at night when he manages to sleep…

What Psycho Bunny dreams about. Based on the comic by Michele Witchipoo. June 2016. 

Oh, and here’s the usual promotional stuff. Psycho Bunny now has his own Facebook page. Now there’s a separate Facebook page for the non-Psycho Bunny work, Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress. If you want to order comics, greeting cards or commissions, hit my website,

Photo Review of Catland Group Art Exhibit

Not only did I have a table at the second annual White Plains comic con, but also had three of my large scale illustration work on display at Catland. For the weekend of June 3-5 2016, there was a group art exhibit at Catland Books, in conjunction with the Bushwick Arts Festival. This worked well for me, since I live close to this area.

Of course, in the lieu of everything, something was forgotten, and I had forgotten to price my own artwork for this show. Especially since these in particular is work I would like to re-home. Aka, sell to make room for new projects I’m working on. Didn’t realize this up until Sunday, when I finally dropped in to check out the exhibit. Eh. At least it looked good framed.

On display at Catland Books, June 3-5 2016 for the Bushwick Arts Festival. Three of my large scale illustrations from my 2012 Prometheus series. Artist Michele Witchipoo. Photo taken June 5th, 2016. 


Review of White Plains Comic Con II

This past Saturday was the second annual White Plains comic con. Like last year, this comic con took place inside the White Plains public library, although next year it will move to a different location.

The second annual White Plains comic con had more artists than the previous year, and it’s purpose was the same – to raise awareness for anti-bullying causes. The con had plenty of help from teen volunteers, all who attend a local White Plains high school. Other artists and writers included Jerry Craft, Alitha E. Martinez, Ray Felix, David Quinn, and many others, to be found on the Bronx Heroes comic convention website.

Here’s photos from the past weekend.

My table set-up for the second annual White Plains Comic Con, June 4th, 2016. 


Stay tuned for other comic cons I will be selling my work at, i.e., comics and other items. Details forthcoming.