Art On Paper 2017

Slowly catching up to where I left off, before a series of events occurred. In the middle of all the chaos, a friend gave me her VIP pass to Art On Paper during NYC Art Week. Also could’ve gone to Volta NY, but what great timing. Having to turn those passes down really bummed me out.

Anyway. Enjoyed Art On Paper more than originally thought. My apologies also extend to losing the credits to who did what in these photos.

Entrance/Exit to Art On Paper. Photo by Michele Witchipoo. March 2017.

The event was a combination of both old and new, established and rising. In various booths there were some social commentary. Some anti-Trump pieces, as you will see in this post.

Nothing inspires artists like political dissent.

Anti-Trump from Art On Paper. March 2017.
Anti-Trump from Art On Paper. March 2017.
Anti-Trump from Art On Paper. March 2017.

Of course, among all the political statements, don’t forget to get your top dollar refreshments. This drink in the photo below costs $14. Now excuse me as I roll my eyes.


Art On Paper. March 2017
Art On Paper. March 2017

Eventually stumbled upon work by the established, such as Warhol and Picasso. When I glanced at this portrait of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Warhol was a teen hero of mine. Right before entering high school, I was fascinated with Warhol and his entire Factory scene. As a 14 year old Boy George clone, I read that Edie Sedgwick biography as if it was the bible. Memories. Not so much into Warhol anymore but still appreciate what he did.

When I was 16, I spotted Warhol walking on third avenue, east 50s, in Manhattan. Near my old high school. He knew I recognized him, so he quickly turned the corner. Okay, so it didn’t help that my hair was thisbig. After my Boy George phase, I went completely into copying Siouxsie’s look. He died later that year.

Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Art On Paper. March 2017. 

Here’s some Picasso for you.

Another Warhol portrait. Art On Paper. March 2017. 

What amazed me was seeing the fine art trend of applying glitter. I’ve been using glitter in my own paintings for years. Here’s some examples.

Hopefully next year things will be better, so I can attend more shows during NYC Art Week.