Burroughs and Gysin Revisited

A few years back I’ve mentioned Brion Gysin on this blog. Realized that having been a fan of both William Burroughs and Gysin, I’ve never done a portrait of either person.

William Burroughs (right) and Brion Gysin (left) using a dreammachine. 

Today I did this quick sketch of both gentlemen, done in pen and Japanese black sumi ink. If you draw by hand, you haven’t lived until you’ve worked with sumi ink.

William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. Black sketch/illustration done by Michele Witchipoo. Pen and Japanese sumi ink. Done Feb. 2018. 

Brion Gysin

William S Burroughs



Waiting For Spring. Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 2/27/2018

Almost the end of winter. Soon spring will be around the corner. A certain someone can’t wait. Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week.

Waiting for spring to arrive. The Psycho Bunny sketch of the week. Based on the comic by Michele Witchipoo. Feb 2018. 

Meanwhile, as the seasons change, you can check out the usual Facebook pages: Psycho Bunny and Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress. There’s also Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. Trying to keep track on the weekly sketch posts, so tune back in soon.

Anais Nin and Henry Miller – Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 2/19/2018

The other day I was having a conversation with two other people about writer Anais Nin. Apparently she lived in Queens for a while. Then we briefly discussed her work, including her erotic short stories along with the Henry and June saga.

Afterwards by myself, I thought about Anais Nin, and then about relationships in general. There’s sex, and then there’s love. Every once in a while, the two mesh together. Love is a very tricky thing though. It comes in many forms.

There’s also something else. The heart is not a toy. Especially when it comes to women. If a woman loves you unconditionally, then consider that to be a gift. When a woman gives her heart, she is showing her vulnerability, her loyalty, her devotion . In cases like this, the cruelest thing to do is to break her heart. Many times heartbreak hurts more than actual physical pain.

 “Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.” – Anais Nin

Not all Anais Nin quotes are this melancholy. There’s some other quotes I favor over the one posted above, but this one rang true at the particular moment.

Anyway, here’s the sketch of week.

Anais Nin and Henry Miller. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. Feb. 2018. 

Going through the original rollcall, you can like the two Facebook pages Psycho Bunny and Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress. There’s also Twitter for myself and for Psycho Bunny. Check out Instagram and Tumblr as well. More coming soon…


Another Anatomical Heart

This was something originally started in late 2016. Halfway through, some events happened that I had to put this on hold. Then in very late 2017, discovered this sketch. Finally finished it in 2018. When Valentine’s Day rolled around this year, I misplaced the original piece. It was supposed to be hand colored with watercolor paint. Despite purchasing my first Wacom in late 2017, I went ahead and digitally colored in a way that a graphic designer professor would cringe.

Anatomical heart artwork has become a tiny bit popular over the past few years. Here’s my take on it. It’s intention was for a flyer advertising a local craft fair. The craft fair and the collective was never meant to be.

The background was influenced by vintage flower patterns.

Anatomical Heart. Illustrated by Michele Witchipoo, completed in Jan. 2018. 

Maha Shivatri

A few days ago was Maha Shivaratri, or Shivaratri. It’s annual holiday honoring the Hindu god Shiva. The “great night of Shiva” is a lunar holiday, falling on the 13th or 14th during the winter season.

After a few days past 2018’s Shivaratri, I came across old artwork from 2003. Totally forgot about this sketch. It was done while passing time at a former job. I worked at some pseudo-spiritual gift, clothing and bookstore, located in the East Village. The shop was on East 6th street. At the time East 6th street was lined with small Indian restaurants. Inside the shop I was surrounded by deity statues from various pantheons. Now that year of 2003 was particularly significant. It was right before entering my Thelemic phase, which lasted a few years.

Very old sketch from 2003. Hindu god Shiva by Michele Witchipoo. 

Maha Shivatri is very important to Shivaites, or those who practice Shavism. Within Hinduism, there’s a sect devoted to Shiva and his teachings.  The Shavites worship Shiva as a supreme god.

Valentine Day – Psycho Bunny Style. (Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for 2/12/2018)

This week celebrates Valentine’s Day. Psycho Bunny has no other valentines except for one. Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for February 12, 2018.

The Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for Feb. 12th, 2018. Valentine’s Day edition. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. 

 If you don’t know by now, there’s two Facebook pages. One for Psycho Bunny, and the other for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress. On Instagram there’s WitchipooArt. Twitter I can be found with MicheleWitchipo and MrPsychoBunny. Tumblr is World Ov Witchipoo. Eventually I’ll fix my website so people can order my comics. Till next week.

Deflated – The Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 2/6/2018

Trying to get back on track once again with these weekly sketches. As you probably already know, in the U.S. they have something called the Super Bowl. This past Sunday was Super Bowl number 52.

I’ve always thought sports and politics have a lot in common. For starters, it’s all just a bunch of bull****. Both incorporate the divide and conquer mentality. Worse of all, both athletics and politicians are way overpaid.

However. Still did my annual tradition of going over to the Gottscheer Hall for their Super Bowl festivities. An Irish expat brought me a lot of Krumbacher beer. Then witnessed a beautiful site of everyone booing the Scientology commercial. The best part – The Patriots lost.

So while my heart isn’t exactly bleeding for Tom Brady, I present you with another belated Psycho Bunny sketch of the week.

Psycho Bunny’s view on American football. The Psycho Bunny sketch of the week 2/6/2018.

The usual plugs where I can be found. Facebook there’s pages for Psycho Bunny and Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress. On Instagram there’s WitchipooArt. My website where you can order my comics needs a complete re-hauling again. There’s other links but I’ll leave post them next time.