Mortem March 2019

Here’s an illustration done only a few days ago. Originally was going to hand paint in watercolor, but I was a little too tired to move myself to the studio. The result looks like a cross between a tarot card and old comic book art. Still have the original black and white ink drawing. In case you haven’t figured it out, Mortem is the Latin word for death.

Mortem. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. March 2019. 



Catnap With Squeaky & Demon…

It’s Saturday. On the internet, it means Happy Caturday!

Squeaky is catching up on her extra sleep. She’s catnapping with her demon buddy under the moon and stars.

Squeaky sleeping under the moon and stars with her demon buddy. Based on the upcoming webcomic by Michele Witchipoo. March 2019. 

Keep a lookout for the upcoming webcomic.

Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 3/26/2019

Back again with another Psycho Bunny sketch. He’s back at his usual place. His old, beat up chair, drinking cheap beer, being his misanthropic self.

Misanthropic Psycho Bunny in his usual spot. His old, beat up chair drinking cheap beer. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. March 2019.

Just don’t sit there…check out these social media links:

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.



Squeaky Sings!

Since ‘Caturday’ is tomorrow, might as well have an early start. Here’s Squeaky, along with her feline roommate Nettie, MeeShee Gamera the bossy turtle, and her mysterious demon friend. From the soon to be posted webcomic.

Squeaky, Nettie, MeeShee Gamera and the mystery demon make music together. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. March 2019. 

Below is a photo of the real Squeaky Squeakums.


Psycho Bunny Complains About St. Patrick’s Day Once Again. (Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week, 3/18/2019)

So once again Psycho Bunny is drunk and complaining. You would think he’d like St. Patrick’s Day. Nope. He considers it “amateur drinking day.”

Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week:

Psycho Bunny considers St. Patrick’s Day to be Amateur Drinking Day. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo. On WitchesBrewPress. March 2019. 

Personally I’m still not fond of the holiday. Don’t hate it as much as I used to, but still find many things wrong. There was no snakes in Ireland. St. Patrick ‘driving the snakes away’ is just simply a metaphor for converting people into Christian beliefs. Despite my half English ancestry, which can be traced back to Ireland and Scotland, I never connected with the holiday. Maybe it was due to people acting like drunken fools in the street. Don’t let my cynicism stop you. If you want to partake, that’s fine. This year, I learned about some of the ingredients of Irish soda bread. It goes along great with whiskey butter. Definitely not for amateurs.

However. Despite what I just stated above, I actually do have a lucky St. Paddy story.

The year was either 1987 or 1988. During the mid to late 80s, I was a Siouxsie Sioux clone. Everyday I would leave the house with huge teased black hair, after applying enough Aqua Net to penetrate the ozone layer. My makeup was a carbon copy of her style. However, because I was in the U.S. and not the U.K., people didn’t know what to make of me. The Goth subculture did not hit the mainstream as of yet. We’re talking before all the Tim Burton films were released. So most of the time I was called “Elvira” or simply “freak.”

That particular St. Paddy’s Day, I was walking down 2nd Avenue in the East Village. As I was heading towards 14th street, I passed an Irish bar. The bar entrance was wide open. Middle aged working class men were getting their drink on.  Commuters lived in either New Jersey or Long Island, but partied terribly in NYC. The type that would piss in your backyard, then head to their respectable suburban homes as if nothing happened.  As soon as they saw me, all the drunk working class men shouted insults towards me.

Walking by, I ignored the men. Still, by this point I was in a pissy mood. Out of nowhere, some young long haired guy jumps in front of me. He reeked of desperation.Not noticing how annoyed I already was, he opens a shoe box.

“Straight from London. Brand new…”

I took a peek. They were brand new creepers. They were smooth black leather, with a little more extra height on the platform soles. The silver design had zipper eye teeth, long thin spikes coming out in 3-D, and studded crosses in the middle. Not even Trash and Vaudeville sold these. They were gorgeous. They also looked majorly expensive.

Looking back at him, I said I only have either ten or twenty bucks. Showed him the money. He threw the shoes at me, snatched my money and ran. Guy obviously must’ve either stole this pair, needed money for drugs, or both. As he fled down the street I couldn’t believe it. The pair was a size too big but I loved them anyway. It was guaranteed nobody else had these shoes. Never saw another pair like them since. Wore them until they wore out.

That’s my lucky St. Patrick’s Day story.

Feeling lucky yourself? Check out these social media links…

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.


Art On Paper 2019

So this has been the third year I’ve attended the Art On Paper fair. Last week was the annual NYC Art Week, where you can catch events like VOLTA, Scope, SPRING/BREAK and of course, The Armory Show. Went to The Armory and VOLTA back in 2016. Haven’t had a chance to go back since. In fact, it hurt when I had to turn down passes for The Armory Show in 2017, due to schedule conflicts. However, I’ve been able to manage going to Art On Paper.

Me at VOLTA, March 6, 2016 during NYC Art Week. Before dying my hair blue.

It’s easier to obtain passes for Art On Paper than to the other events for NYC Art Week. It should be noted that this year’s NYC Art Week had a rough start. Armory changed venues, VOLTA plans up in the air.

Art On Paper went on as planned. Finally in 2019, I finally attended one of those VIP opening parties. Upon arrival was a band playing music, but the large scale installation behind them caught my attention. Titled Manifestation 4, artist Samuelle Green created this cave constructed from pages from discarded paperbacks and wire. You were able to walk through this cave located near the event entrance.

There were some repeats from the previous two years I’ve attended Art On Paper. Mainly focused on the newer exhibits, as seen below.

After the VIP party, I went back to the fair on Sunday. That’s where I saw this woman walking around in a chain mail dress, with electrical flashing signs attached. You can either lock him up, or her up. Pick your choice. It was a pretty clever design.

Below are the rest of the photos taken from the fair:

Till nest year…and hopefully attend the other fairs in 2020.

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Me, March 7th, 2019. Art On Paper 2019.

Psycho Bunny Does R. Kelly – Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week

Okay. I admit. This was a cheap shot.


It’s been unofficial common knowledge about R. Kelly and his sexual misconduct. Over ten years ago, there used to be a bootleg video tape. It showed him doing all sort of perverted things. Guess now that Lifetime did that expose on him, the cops finally decided to do something about it. In the meantime, drawing a ’90s R&B douchebag was really easy.

Anyway. Time to drop some social media links…

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.

 Get yourself some cool stuff on RedBubble, featuring my designs.


Maha Shivaratri – Shiva 2019

Maha Shivaratri is an annual Hindu holiday, in which Shiva is honored. This year the date was March 4th, a few days prior to this posting. Last year I posted an old Shiva drawing. Here’s a brand new rendition. Drew the line work in fall 2018. Did color March 2019.

Hindu god Shiva. Pen and ink. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo. 2018/2019.


Shiva. Pen, ink, watercolor, glitter watercolor. Colored March 2019. Michele Witchipoo. 

Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week – March 5th, 2019.

Back to regularly scheduled programming. You can interpret this piece as feeling “disconnected.” In reality, it was influenced by an iconic Grace Jones cover.


Here’s the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for March 5th, 2019.

Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for March 5th, 2019. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt.

 Get yourself some cool stuff on RedBubble, featuring my designs.