I’m Here, But I Won’t Be There…(Cancellations)

Something must be in the air. Uh no, I don’t mean the leftover residue from the BP spill.

Today I received two different cancellations from two different events. Cancellations that were beyond my control. On Sunday I was supposed to have a spot at the Punk Island show. Cutie Calamity, lead singer of SMUT and maker of great hats, wanted to have an art show adjacent to the Punk Island festival. Punk Island 2010 is happening on Governor’s Island, NYC. Due to circumstances, that art show has been canceled. The music festival itself is still happening. So if you’re into great local punk bands, I encourage you to attend. As a matter of fact, I dare you to attend.

The second cancellation was for the New England Small Press Assembly, slated for next month in Warwick, Rhode Island. Well that’s not happening either. As explained on the NESPA website, unfortunate personal issues was the deciding factor. I wish Nic Carcieri all the best, and hope everything is okay.

You know, things happen for a reason, so I’m not particularly upset. It is what it is, plus it’ll give me more time for other assorted projects I’m supposed to be working on. Besides, I just got a table at the New York Comic Con 2010. Quite sure that won’t be canceled. So…if you’re in the NYC area around the weekend of October 8th – 10th, then come by and visit my table. By then I’ll have some new completed publications for sale.

Again, I apologize for any inconvenience, and hopefully see you in October!



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An artist, illustrator and cartoonist from NYC. In addition, former mad mage, lousy bass player, music fanatic, midnight movie rabidness, indie comix cousin, and pop culture connoisseur with a hint of cynicism. As my good friend said: Never judge a cook by his lover, for if you do he might put a roach in yer suppa.

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