Surreal Estate/Bushwick Open Art Studios Event

This weekend, during the Bushwick Open Art Studios Event, I’ll be taking part in a shared art exhibition.


Link to the listing on the Bushwick Open Space directory listing:

On the bill for Friday night (invite only Friday night, due to limited space. Saturday and Sunday will be open house): Jennifer Blowdryer and her band doing an acoustic Punk set, Stephen Boyer with a #OWS Poetry anthology reading, Alan Abadessa Green discussing “The Sync Book”, Michele Witchipoo illustration and art, Marg Uerite and Elaine Choi artwork, and Gia Michael video installation.

Marg Uerite, a.k.a Pearl Chanter announced the participation in the annual Bushwick event, on the “42minutes” podcast she made on the 24th: the Elizabeth of England rip off artist will be having a 60th-year-of-RAIN “Jubilee” celebration down the Thames River, the weekend of June 1st. Watched by billions, there will be at least one specially tuned Bell Rung, heard by billions. Since I live on the Thames [street] and my ship is still riding [ though riding low ] I thought I’d piggy – back on the World – Wide show of military force and power down the Tham[Is]is River of England, that same weekend, here in Bushwick – land BK.