Dangerous Minds Article -Bowie & Lemmy Coloring Books


The website Dangerous Minds, which I’ve been following for years, did an article on the Bowie and Lemmy coloring books. If you scroll down, theĀ article shows the Bowie (Aladdin Sane) piece I had submitted for the book.


You can order your own coloring books here.

Bowie and Lemmy Coloring Books

Two of my illustrations have been published by Feral House for their coloring book series. One for David Bowie, and the other for Lemmy Kilmister. Both of these new releases are available for purchase now from the website.

For the Lemmy submission, I including Wendy O Williams from The Plasmatics. Lemmy and Wendy did a duet together, a cover of ‘Stand By Your Man.’ The Bowie one I’ve simply titled ‘Saint Bowie.’

Two of my illustrations have been published by Feral House for their coloring book series. One for David Bowie, one for Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead). Sept. 2016.

I’ve been a fan of Feral House publishing for years. Have quite a number of FH books in my collection. So to get into this book series means a great deal to me. So if you’re a fan of either musicians or rather icons, you might want to get these books.