Heathen Warrior Girls Oct. 2012

Continuing again with the Norse/Asatru/Heathen theme:

Heathen Warrior Girls Oct. 2012. Illustrated by Michele Witchipoo.

Runes Oct. 2012

Here’s my latest illustration. Continuing with the Asatru influence.

In the background of this piece, you can also see the Yggdrasil tree. To quote Wikipedia (yeah, I know, but bear with me) Yggdrasill is an immense tree that is central in Norse cosmology on which the nine worlds existed.

Rune artwork by Michele Witchipoo
Runes. Illustration by Michele Witchipoo. Created October 2012.

In case you’re interested, I’m creating custom greeting cards and postcard featuring my artwork. Each card is unique, no two are alike. I’ll be posting more examples on my Esty site: http://www.etsy.com/shop/WitchesBrewPress. Just keep checking back time to time.

Freya, June 2012

Back in 2007, I did a portrait of Freya, Norse goddess for my self-published third issue of Babalon Babes. Whether or not I ever print another Babalon Babes issue remains to be seen. Regardless, I decided to do an update on Freya. Why? Why not?

I briefly studied Norse neo-paganism maybe eight years ago. Has it been that long?

Back to this illustration. It’s been a while since I added detail in my artwork. It’s something I prefer to do actually. People have advised me not to worry about details too much. Yet it’s the details that grab my attention, as with I assume is the case with other people. The devil is, after all, in the details.

Freya. Norse goddess. Artwork by Michele Witchipoo created June 2012. Ink, pen and digital color.