Nasty Woman!

Right after Commander Cheetos got elected, there were immediate calls of action. Especially in the art field.

One of them was Knockdown Center who had an open call for their upcoming Nasty Women exhibition. Proud to say my illustration was accepted into the show taking place Jan. 12 – 15, 2017. The opening reception will be on Thursday Jan. 12th from 7:00 to 10:00 pm.

Image: Clive Murphy

Proceeds from all sales will benefit Planned Parenthood. To find out more about Nasty Women, click here.

My print of the illustration #trumpsucksballs will be part of the display. Basically I took a combination of a lewd joke and a popular Instagram hashtag which resulted in this:


Since the result of the presidential election, I’ve decided to get more involved in women’s and LBGQT issues.

I’ve also put this image as a greeting card. So if you would like to order one for yourself, It’s $4.00 ($3.00 + $1.00 for S&H). Comes in cellophane with an orange envelope. You can send payment to Just be sure and specify “Trump card” when ordering. The card is blank inside so you can mail your own personalized message to the White House. Again, this card will not be available at all future events due to the nature of this work.