Holiday Dumpster Fire – The Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week

Psycho Bunny thought it was more appropriate for 2016.

Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week. The holiday edition.

Psycho Bunny does a holiday dumpster fire instead of a Yule log. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Dec. 2016. 

Hope everyone had a good holiday season so far. Thanks to the many people who supported me and my comics, illustrations and other work this year.

The usual plugs: Don’t forget to hit “like” for both Facebook pages. There’s one for Psycho Bunny Comix and one for my other illustration work WitchesBrewPress. Psycho Bunny is also on Twitter. Soon I’ll revamp my website for an updated shop menu. The shop will be updated, to make ordering comics easier. Stay tuned.

Happy holidays whatever you celebrate.

Hermetic Holidays

Here’s my annual holiday illustration.

Watercolor, gouache, and pen. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo Dec. 2012.
Watercolor, gouache, and pen. Drawn by Michele Witchipoo Dec. 2012.

Happy holidays everyone.

2009: The Year Of The Celebrity Deathmatch…

An iv17 Sol 6° Capricorn, Luna 18° Taurus Dies Solis
Sunday, December 27, 2009 e.v. 11:21 PM

As I typed this originally last week, it was Yuletime. Winter Solstice passed, Hanukkah passed, Christmas just ended. Then there’s Festivus, etc. Tons of holidays to choose from, take your pick. The year of celebrity death match is almost over.

I, for one is glad that 2009 is coming to a close. It had its ups and downs. I won’t even get into the subject about celebrity deaths. The start of 2009 certainly sucked for me. On December 30th, 2008, I threw out my back. I spent New Year’s Eve hobbling with a cane to the local bar because I just *had* to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Good thing I didn’t go with my original plans. Spent an hour in pain and headed back to bed, where I spent the next three-fours months. Pouted, cursed my fate, read, sketched. Hung around Facebook like a high school student playing hooky in the cafeteria. When I was bored with that, I caught up on DVDs and bad television. Along the way, discovered once again who my real friends were. Lost my faith in humanity for the hundredth time; but then again, I didn’t have much faith to begin with. (shrugs)

Eh, what can you do? I did manage to make it to the NYCC in one piece (New York Comic Con) limping in style with a rhinestone studded cane.

Could be worst; I could’ve been a dead celebrity.
(I’m not even go into the whole Michael Jackson death fiasco. He’s dead, get over it. Of course the media was over-reacting per usual, as if it was the second coming of Christ. Let him rot.)

Come around June, things turned around more positively. Got some web press, interviews and mentions on blogs. Had my illustrations shown on a writer’s blog. Worked on a webcomic and had my first cover art published. Released another self-published title, Babalon Babes no. 4 (the Astrology issue.)

Even so, so glad this year is almost over. Kinda glad this decade is almost over. The past ten years have been shitty, to say the least. Barely hitting two years into the decade, and Y2K led straight into 9/11. Bleh. Not that I didn’t feel for the victims of that disaster…ah forget it, I won’t get all political here. Just embarrassed as an American to be stuck with the worst President in US History. Bush with his big old monkey ears and clueless smile. A decade of reality TV, bad Emo, Hip-Hop, and pop music, global warming, blah, blah, blah. Having to lived in a decade where people slowly became more shallow, more cold, more heartless, with no sense of loyalty. Oh wait, maybe people were like that all along, only I just woke up from my naive daydreams into a living nightmare. Now how’s that for being over-dramatic?

On the plus side, there was the internet, iPods, the return of comfortable Converse sneakers…

Anyway, time for some self-promoting plugs…

Babalon Babes # 4, The Astrology Issue is now on sale.
Available through WitchesBrewPress, you can order via PayPal.
Send $4.00 ($3.00 plus $1.00 for shipping & handling) to
When ordering, please state you would like BB#4.

Also, Psycho Bunny issue 3 (Special double issue) is still available.
Again, you can order via PayPal, $6.00 ($5.00 + $1.00 S&H) and state you would like PB#3.
(If ordering both issues, shipping is just $1.00)

Shitty Mickey

Also, don’t forget the webcomic,! Written by John Reed and drawn by yours truly.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Annual Babalon Babes Holiday Illo Posted On Golightly’s Blog

Since the end of 2004, I’ve done holiday greetings for both Psycho Bunny and Babalon Babes. At first I had sent these as hard copies, but in 2008 I decided to post them online instead (via email and social networking sites like Facebook.)

Since early spring of 2009, I’ve submitted various Babalon Babes illustrations to writer Adam Golightly’s blog. A few of these pieces have been featured as “Devil Girl of the Month.”

To cap off the year, here’s my annual Babalon Babes holiday piece here.