Contribute To My Patreon

Like many other Americans, I lost my job when COVID-19 arrived. Quite bluntly, it sucks.

Until I can find another form of income, I’ve officially activated my Patreon account. You can contribute to my Patreon as little as five dollars a month ($5.00). For my Patreon subscribers, I will either mail out small sketches, a greeting card, or upload excusive content. Every bit helps. If you can’t afford to donate, you can always follow. Any type of support is greatly appreciated.


Link to my Patreon:

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An artist, illustrator and cartoonist from NYC. In addition, former mad mage, lousy bass player, music fanatic, midnight movie rabidness, indie comix cousin, and pop culture connoisseur with a hint of cynicism. As my good friend said: Never judge a cook by his lover, for if you do he might put a roach in yer suppa.

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