Closing Party – MF Gallery RHPS

The opening party at MF Gallery went so well, there’s going to be a closing party on August 30th. There will a screening of the classic cult film. Cosplay of all your favorite Rocky Horror Picture Show characters is encouraged. Of course there’s the art. It’s a group art show, in tribute to the Rocky Horror Picture Show itself. So if you missed it the first time around, here’s your second chance!

Flyer for the closing party at MF Gallery. Rocky Horror Picture Show art tribute.

I’m one of the artists exhibiting a painting in this fine exhibit. All art is available for purchase, including mine. (hint-hint!) There’s even RHPS tattoos available.

Dr. Frank-N-Futer painting by Michele Witchipoo. Medium: Acrylic and glitter. On display and sale at MF Gallery. Aug. 2019.

If you’re local in the NYC area, see you there. You’re probably ‘waiting in anticipation…’