Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week July 4th Special (July 4th, 2019)

This is developing into an annual tradition. Instead of blogging about fireworks, family BBQs, and three day vacations, we’ll focus on the historical aspect regarding July 4th.

Today in American history 101, July 4th celebrates the country’s independence. Regardless of your political beliefs, let’s remember the Revolutionary War. Where barefoot colonialists battled against the British monarchy. Despite all odds, the American colonialists won. You can quickly read up more about July 4th here.

This year’s historic July 4th sketch was based on the famous painting by Archibald M. Willard. Originally titled ‘Yankee Doodle‘, Willard was a veteran of the American Civil War. His grandfather was also an American Revolutionary solider. The original painting itself was snubbed by art critics. Instead, the painting found it’s appreciative audience among the everyday citizen. The painting has found a place in modern pop culture, receiving nods ranging from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse 5 to album cover art by the NYC 1980s Hardcore band Warzone.

Psycho Bunny on the other hand, thinks spirit of ’76 means something else. As in wine and spirits.

Psycho Bunny and his own version of ‘The Spirit of ’76.’ Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. July 2019.

Have a happy and safe July 4th everyone.

Continue reading Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week July 4th Special (July 4th, 2019)