Due To WHCS Being Unprofessional – Radio Show No More

This past Wednesday, I was going to air the interview I did with independant comicbook creator Mindy Indy.

The interview never aired. I’ll explain why.

First, I want to say thanks to Mindy for always being professional, and for also being a good person. Although I called her in advance to inform her about the situation, she was actually very supportive of my decision. For that, I encourage people to support her work.

Now, as to explain what is going on. ComicBook Convo With Michele is no more. After being disrespected by the station manager Stella, and not being able to stream my interview, which I spent time editing, etc., I walked out.

If I wanted to receive immature high school treatment, I’d go back to high school, not college. When I walked into the station, I was made to feel like the awkward nerd who sits at the cool kids’s table in the cafeteria. WHCS is inside a college. We should conduct ourselves professionally once out of high school.

I had spent my day at NYCC 2022 asking creators in Artist Alley if they would like to be interviewed for my school. They all said yes. I had people lined up. My intention was to get to those who said yes, even some returning guests, inbetween my busy schedhule, and interview them beforehand.

That’s not going to happen now.

This is not the first time this happened at WHCS. Joanna, the station manager during 2020, (right before the pandemic) made up some excuse as to why some of my interviews were not being recorded. Which means I could not take these missing interviews and archive them on another website. It was also embrassing to explain to professionals later on, why those interviews went missing.

A lot of time and work was taken, setting up times, recording the interviews beforehand, editing them, etc. My time.

The people at WHCS radio run the volunteer station like it’s some high school clique. This behavior is hurtful to those who want to learn about broadcasting. While it was not my intention to befriend everyone at the studio, common courtsey is still expected.

In reality, nobody needs radio stations anymore. Anyone with the right equiptment and knowledge can easily go on Twitch for example, and start their own show. So they’re playing themselves.

I will use my free time going forward working on my own comics and illustrations again. I’ve spent the last two years volunteering my time to help others – only to be taken for grated, and/or not appreciated. This stops now.

I want to thank those who supported me with kind words and encouragement.

Returning Webcomic – Psycho Bunny: Summer of Covid19

Before my one-off story about Wesley Willis, (available on both Comic Fury and WEBTOON) I was working on another webcomic. It was based on my long time character Psycho Bunny. Psycho Bunny is a self-published comic I’ve been working on and off since 2004. With the pandemic shutting everything down, I turned to webcomics.

Around August 2020, life became very busy for me. Which was a good thing, but it meant leaving the Psycho Bunny series hanging. Now that things are winding down, I can go back to focusing on comics and illustrations.

You can read the previous episodes on WEBTOON. In the meantime I’ll start working on new stories.

New Webcomic Episode & Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week 8/13/2020

Hey, it’s been a while. This summer turned out to be busier than I thought. There is a new episode in my webcomic series now on WEBTOON: Psycho Bunny – SUMMER OF COVID19. So check it out, subscribe, hit like, and all that good stuff.

Which leads us to the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for August 13th, 2020. It’s a panel from episode five of my webcomic series. In this installment, Psycho Bunny gets a rude awakening about friends and quarantines.

A panel from the webcomic Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19, now up on WEBTOON. Aug. 2020. Written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, from WitchesBrewPress.

 I got asked to be part of a panel for an upcoming online comic con. Details forthcoming. 


WEBTOONS: Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID-19.

 Facebook: Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Also. I’m available for commissions. Comics and greetings are available for purchase. No shame in this plug. Especially with the financial impact. Questions? Hit me up: Witchipoo@witchesbrewpress.net. You can also contact me via Instagram, @WitchipooArt

Be safe everyone.


Baby Yoda The Kitten (2020 – 2020)

Today is International Cat Day, as well as Caturday.
In memoriam, I did a quick free hand watercolor sketch of a stray kitten I had for a week.

When Baby Yoda was first found. July 2020. 

The little boy was the runt of the litter, abandoned by his mother. The kitten was infested with fleas, ticks and who knows that else, why he was basically skin and bones. The little bugger also had nasty eye infections. Found in my back yard, I tried to save him, along with Ben, and another friend. In her spare time, the friend does TNR, and rescues cats in need. She’s the one that found Mr. Jet Alister in the street on a cold, rainy night.
I’ve rescued animals before. Way back, I saved a pregnant mama cat, raised her kittens, and placed the kittens in homes. That’s where I got my cats Tabitha and Champ. Took in another grey cat a year later from a car repair business, that was Leo. Saved another cat off the street, which turned out to the birth mother of one of my present cats, Netzach Wondercat, aka Nettie. Welcomed another kitty from neglect, that was the infamous Squeaky Squeakums. Saved a dog off the street, and returned him back to his humans.

Baby Yoda, the kitten sleeping on my chest. July 2020. 

We took him to two vets. The first vet said he had a fighting chance, which was my first thought. At first he was doing well. The little bugger was even eating on his own the second day I had him. The rest of the time was spent taking out his fleas and giving him good care. Meanwhile, I had contacted a local animal rescue, in hopes of finding him a good home.
Then within twenty four hours, the kitten took a turn for the worse. We all rushed him to a second vet. The second vet worked in an emergency animal clinic. An ER for pets, as you will. Let me tell you, the second vet tried. He really tried. Did EVERYTHING he could to save him – alas, he couldn’t. Turns out the kitten had FLV, which overtook his immune system. If 2020 was a kitten, this was it. In end, the fella passed away in the vet office. We all started to cry. Even the vet had a tear.
This kitten was the only animal I couldn’t save.
I tried. We all tried.
After his death, I went into mourning for over two weeks.
This is a reminder that spay and neuter is very important. If you have a pet, and don’t have your pet fixed, you’re part of the problem.
He was named Baby Yoda, due to his appearance. R.I.P. little guy. Despite your short time on earth, you were loved.
Here’s the freehand watercolor sketch.

Baby Yoda, the kitten. Freehand watercolor sketch. Michele Witchipoo, August 2020. 

Caturday – Kitty Summer Fairy

Okay, so this week’s Caturday sketch is a day late. Decided to keep this week more light hearted. Here’s some summer vibes – a kitty summer fairy, accessorized with butterfly wings. Featuring my own cat, Netzach Wondercat. Otherwise known as Nettie.

Caturday, with a kitty summer fairy, complete with butterfly wings. Watercolor, ink. Done by Michele Witchipoo. July 2020. 

Cats & Pizza – Caturday Sketch

Yesterday I had pizza. Guess who also likes pizza?

Mr. Jet Alister sniffing pizza. July 2020. 

Which leads to the Caturday sketch of the week. Mr. Jet Alister having pizza.

Mr. Jet Alister having a slice of NY pizza. By Michele Witchipoo. July 2020. 


Caturday Meets 4th of July

Here’s a very quick sketch done only in watercolor, with some digital enhancements. Since this Saturday is not only Caturday, but also the Fourth of July. What better way to start the weekend than to post art of a patriotic cat mermaid. Here’s the Caturday sketch of the week, featuring one of my cats, Netzach Wondercat. She’s more known as simply Nettie. 

Nettie The Cat Mermaid. Watercolor done by Michele Witchipoo. July 2020. 

The past few years, I’ve been doing historic renditions of the American Revolution featuring my cartoon characters. The original intention was to get the focus away from mindlessly blowing up fireworks. In 2020 though, that might not be such a good idea.

Given the current political climate in the United States, I decided to switch it up. Instead of doing something based in the Colonial era, I give you a kitty sea siren.

Regardless of what your political beliefs are, enjoy the weekend.

Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week – Plus New WEBTOONS episode! (7/2/2020)

So if you survived 2020 so far, you’re in for a treat. The latest episode of my webcomic, Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19 is now up and running on WEBTOONS. This episode is based on a dream Psycho Bunny had while he was passed out drunk. I put Psycho Bunny in a ’90s style Versace shirt.

Introducing the Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for July 2, 2020.

Scenes from the webcomic Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19, now on WEBTOONS. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. July 2020.


Michele Witchipoo’s Social Media links.

 If you haven’t heard,  I’ve re-opened my Etsy store: Michele Witchipoo. You can purchase some of my comics there. There’s also handmade holiday ornaments, greeting cards, and eventually other items for sale. Check back every so often, the store will continue to have more merch posted.


I’ve also officially launched my Patreon account. Still learning the in and outs of Patreon fund raising. You can subscribe starting at $5.00 a month.



WEBTOONS: Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID-19.

 Facebook: Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Also. I’m available for commissions. Comics and greetings are available for purchase. No shame in this plug. Especially with the financial impact. Questions? Hit me up: Witchipoo@witchesbrewpress.net. You can also contact me via Instagram, @WitchipooArt

Be safe everyone.


One Year Anniversary – Squeaky Squeakums


Happy Caturday! For cat aficionados, Saturdays are for cat lovers who have the weekends off, so they spend their Saturdays with their cats. For this week’s Caturday, here’s a tribute to my beloved tuxedo cat, Squeaky Squeakums.

Photo collage by Michele Witchipoo. Featuring Squeaky Squeakums. Created in 2011.

Squeaky was one of the best cats I ever had.


Squeaky was the inspiration behind the comic I published last year, The Temptation of Squeaky. (You can buy your own copy from my rebooted Etsy store.)



It was around this time last year that Squeaky dropped her body. On the anniversary of her death, I did this watercolor sketch.

Watercolor sketch of Squeaky Squeakums. Pen, ink, watercolor. June 2020 by Michele Witchipoo.

Squeaky Squeakums is survived by Netzach Wondercat, aka Nettie.

Although I’ve adopted another rescue cat since then, nobody can ever take the place of Squeaky Squeakums. Mr. Jet Alister, an all black male cat has some big paws to fill.

Rest in peace, Squeaky.


Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week – And Latest Episode! (6/14/2020)

The latest episode of my summer webcomic Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19 is now up. You can check it out on WEBTOONS. So make sure you give me some hearts and hit subscribe.

This week’s installment, Psycho Bunny tries to file for unemployment. Like many Americans who lost their jobs due to Covid.

Scene from the Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID19 webcomic, now up on WEBTOONS. Psycho Bunny himself waits at a Queens bus stop. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. June 2020.

Michele Witchipoo’s Social Media links.

 If you haven’t heard,  I’ve re-opened my Etsy store: Michele Witchipoo. You can purchase some of my comics there. There’s also handmade holiday ornaments, greeting cards, and eventually other items for sale. Check back every so often, the store will continue to have more merch posted.


I’ve also officially launched my Patreon account. Still learning the in and outs of Patreon fund raising. You can subscribe starting at $5.00 a month.



WEBTOONS: Psycho Bunny – Summer of COVID-19.

 Facebook: Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Also. I’m available for commissions. Comics and greetings are available for purchase. No shame in this plug. Especially with the financial impact. Questions? Hit me up: Witchipoo@witchesbrewpress.net. You can also contact me via Instagram, @WitchipooArt

Be safe everyone.