It’s been a while. I’ve been busy with assorted offline activities.

Good news, I have brand new work to upload. In the next few days, most likely the weekend, I’ll post some new comic/sequential content. Late December I’ll begin updating on this blog again.


In the meantime, I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to my Patreon, brought from my re-opened Etsy shop, purchased from RedBubble, and supported my webcomic. I don’t promote my Patreon or my other channels as much as I should. Thanks to offline responsibilities, I had to put my WEBTOON series on the side. In a week I’m going to pick up where I left off.


Other news. Was pleasantly surprised by a positive review of my last printed comic, The Temptation of Squeaky, which I published last year. 


Two of my illustrations were published in a local zine, simply titled Ridgewood Zine. Available locally. Details in another blog post. 


I designed a logo for a wonderful lady, who has her own shop. Nightbird Enchanted


As for my radio show, I made the decision to put it on hold until further notice. Basically I wanted to get back to my own artwork. Simple as that.

Until then, Happy Holidays, Hanukkah, Festivus, Krampusnacht, and all that good stuff. 

One Year Anniversary – Squeaky Squeakums


Happy Caturday! For cat aficionados, Saturdays are for cat lovers who have the weekends off, so they spend their Saturdays with their cats. For this week’s Caturday, here’s a tribute to my beloved tuxedo cat, Squeaky Squeakums.

Photo collage by Michele Witchipoo. Featuring Squeaky Squeakums. Created in 2011.

Squeaky was one of the best cats I ever had.


Squeaky was the inspiration behind the comic I published last year, The Temptation of Squeaky. (You can buy your own copy from my rebooted Etsy store.)



It was around this time last year that Squeaky dropped her body. On the anniversary of her death, I did this watercolor sketch.

Watercolor sketch of Squeaky Squeakums. Pen, ink, watercolor. June 2020 by Michele Witchipoo.

Squeaky Squeakums is survived by Netzach Wondercat, aka Nettie.

Although I’ve adopted another rescue cat since then, nobody can ever take the place of Squeaky Squeakums. Mr. Jet Alister, an all black male cat has some big paws to fill.

Rest in peace, Squeaky.


A Caturday of Love

Hope everyone is having a good Caturday. Squeaky Squeakums, and her demon buddy Magnus Maximus wish you a day full of love.

Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy Maximus. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. May 2020.

If you want to buy my comic, titled The Temptation of Squeaky, you can now purchase a copy from my new Etsy store. One item already sold out, one item already restocked, and new items will be added. Any sales will help me out during this pandemic.


Stay safe everyone.

Caturday Beltane 2020

Even though most of the U.S. is in quarantine, we can still celebrate the arrival of Spring. In our own ways – or least try to. Yesterday was May Day, also known as Beltane.

Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy Magnus Maximus did a little Caturday dance around the maypole.

Squeaky Squeakums and Magnus Maximus dance around the maypole. Celebrating Beltane/Mayday, May 2020. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. May 2020.

If you liked what you saw, you can order my comic ‘The Temptation of Squeaky‘ through my reopened Etsy shop. Already sold out of a few items, but will restock soon. All proceeds will go towards paying my bills.

The Temptation of Squeaky. A comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. On sale now.

Etsy Store: MicheleWitchipoo

Although I never promoted my account, I’m on Patron. All donations would be greatly appreciated at this time. Check back because I plan to update my Patron account very soon.

 Become a Patron!

Caturday – April 25, 2020

Pretty late into this Saturday, but fear not. Here’s the Caturday sketch of the week. Featuring Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy Maximus.

Squeaky Squeakums and her demon buddy comfort each other during the 2020 pandemic. Pen, ink, digital color. Michele Witchipoo. April 2020.
The Temptation of Squeaky. Comic released last year, 2019. Written and drawn on WitchesBrewPress by Michele Witchipoo.

Speaking of which. If you’re interested in purchasing one of my comics, you can send me $4.00 to Venmo, @Witchipoo, or buy from my new Etsy shop. All proceeds go to me paying my bills. Thanks in advance.

Caturday With Squeaky & Magnus Maximus 4/11/2020

Happy Caturday everyone. Here’s Squeaky Squeakums with her demon buddy Magnus Maximus together during the coronavirus lockdown. Squeaky got some extra cat treats during the quarantine.

Be safe.

Caturday – Squeaky’s Lessons

Happy Caturday everyone. This week, the demon Magnus Maximus gives Squeaky Squeakums a few occult lessons. Based on the comic The Temptation of Squeaky, written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress.

The Caturday sketch of the week. Featuring Squeaky Squeakums and Magnus Maximus. Here Max is teaching Squeaky some occult lessons. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Jan. 2020. 

You can order your own copy via PayPal for $4.00: psychobunnycomix@aol.com. Another option is Vemno: @Witchipoo, also $4.00. ($3.00 + $1.00 S&H)

The Temptation of Squeaky. A comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress. 

Happy Caturday.

First Caturday Sketch of 2020

It’s been a while since I sketched my two characters, Squeaky Squeakums and Magnus Maximus. Squeaky was based on my real life cat, who passed away last year, June 2019. Spring of 2019, I released a comic titled ‘The Temptation of Squeaky.’ Which is basically about a housecat who befriends a demon in order to get more food. Which a cat would do, of course. The comic is still available. You can order issue one via PayPal (email: psychobunnycomix@aol.com) or Vemno (@Witchipoo), total $4.00 ($3.00 + $1.00 S&H)


Meanwhile, enjoy my first Caturday sketch of 2020. Where Squeaky pleads Magnus for a piece of his hot dog. Not even demons can enjoy a frank in peace.


Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week & Inktober 2019

Okay, so it’s been over a month since posting a Psycho Bunny Sketch of The Week. Life has been really busy. Plus I started a brand new radio show, which I interview comic book pros, like artists, writers, podcasters, and other pros. Details forthcoming in another post.

In the meantime, October is here, which means it’s also Inktober. So combining the two, here’s my Psycho Bunny and Inktober 2019 sketch # 1, with the Inktober prompt of Ring.

Psycho Bunny sketch of the week for Oct. 2nd, 2019, along with the Inktober 2019 prompt # 1, Ring. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo on WitchesBrewPress.

Check out my social media links:

Facebook: pages for Psycho Bunny and for Michele Witchipoo – WitchesBrewPress.

 Twitter: One account for me, and one for Psycho Bunny.

Tumblr: World Ov Witchipoo

Instagram: there’s WitchipooArt

Want to buy some of my designs? There’s RedBubble: Witchipoo

Finally, don’t forget to purchase my latest comic:


*To order any Psycho Bunny issues, or The Temptation of Squeaky, send $4.00 per issue along with your shipping address to Vemno @ Witchipoo. You can also order via PayPal, psychobunnycomix@aol.com. Specify which issue you’re ordering. Currently in stock is Psycho Bunny issue 3.75 and Temptation of Squeaky issue one.

Squeaky Honors Black Cat Appreciation Day

Squeaky Squeakums, star of my latest comic is honoring Black Cat Appreciation Day. (August 18th) She got her demon buddy Magnus Maximus to round up a few of her black kitty sisters.

Squeaky Squeakums and Maximus celebrate Black Cat Appreciation Day. Based on the comic written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo, on WitchesBrewPress. Aug. 2019.

Black cats are awesome indeed. Despite their beauty, black and tuxedo cats have a hard time finding forever homes. ‘Tis a shame. I’ve personally found black and tuxedo cats to be quite smart. The real life Squeaky (who passed away a few months ago) was clever – especially when it came to food. So go down to your local shelter and adopt a black or tuxedo cat of your own today.

Squeaky was also the real life muse behind my latest comic. Available for order.

Cover for ‘The Temptation of Squeaky’ written and drawn by Michele Witchipoo. Available on WitchesBrewPress. Spring/Summer 2019.